Nick and Sharon reminisce about their life together

The Young and the Restless Recap for Friday, June 21, 2024
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The Young and the Restless Daily Recaps (Friday, June 21, 2024)
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Friday, June 21, 2024

At Sharon's house, Nick and Sharon excitedly waited for Faith to return home from school. Nick had stocked up on Faith's favorite snacks, and Sharon asked, "Where did all the years go?"

Faith arrived and hugged both of her parents. Faith said that she had brought presents for all her family members. Nick mentioned that they could have picked Faith up, but she said that she had wanted to take a rideshare alone to prove to herself that she was better after the ordeal with Cameron.

Sharon asked why Faith seemed "on edge," and Faith began to cry. Faith asked why men were "such jerks." Nick assumed something had happened with Moses, and Faith confirmed that Moses had broken up with her. Faith declared that she would never fall in love again.

Faith asked how her parents could still get along after they had broken up "a zillion times." Nick and Sharon laughed and said that there was still "a lot of love there." Sharon said that Nick had once been very romantic.

Sharon flashed back to memories of when she and Nick had been very young, including when they had been on an island, playing "Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Crusoe."

Mariah and Tessa arrived, and Faith asked Nick and Sharon to tell them all about "their love story." Sharon remembered one of their first dates and hanging out by the Newman pool as they had fallen in love.

Nick told Tessa, Mariah, and Faith that Sharon had been dating a "creep named Matt Clark" when they had first met. Sharon said that she had broken up with Matt to be with Nick, but Matt had not taken the breakup well. Nick remembered punching Matt at the coffeehouse and telling Sharon that he would make Matt "pay" for what he had done to her.

Nick recounted that prison had been terrible but that his ex-girlfriend Amy had confessed to shooting Matt. Sharon said that Matt had not been their "only obstacle" and that Nikki had also made trouble for the young couple.

Nick remembered asking his mother what she didn't like about Sharon. Nikki had thought that Sharon was "brash...and aggressive." Nikki hadn't thought Sharon was a "proper young lady." Mariah asked if Nikki had started to accept Sharon when Noah had arrived.

Nick thought back to the time Sharon had told him she was pregnant, and then he remembered holding Noah for the first time. Nick commented that Noah's birth had been "life changing," and Sharon said that there had been even more changes after that.

Sharon remembered telling Nick that Cassie was her daughter. Nick had been angry at the time, but he had eventually loved Cassie "as his own." Nick thought back to when Cassie had painted the picture of their family. Cassie had thanked him for giving her a family.

Mariah said that Cassie had been lucky to have Sharon and Nick as parents, but Nick replied that he and Sharon had been "the lucky ones."

After grabbing some drinks, Faith asked her parents what had happened after they had gotten married. Nick said that working for Victor had been challenging, and he remembered some of his early days at Newman, when Victor had driven him crazy.

Nick and Sharon confessed to having cheated on each other, and they thought back to a fight they had had over Sharon's affair with Diego.

Nick said that getting divorced had been difficult, but not as hard as "losing Cassie." Nick thought back to sitting next to Cassie in the hospital and crying. Victoria had tried to comfort him, but he had gone back to the house and smashed up all the furniture.

Nick confessed that he had "hurt a lot of people" during that painful time in his life, especially Sharon. Nick remembered when he had first gotten together with Phyllis, and he had told her that Cassie talked to him from beyond the grave. Nick replayed the memory of Sharon confronting him about his affair with Phyllis. Continuing to remember, Nick thought about their breakup after the affair.

Nick said that he and Sharon had "tried to move on," but they had ended up finding their way back to each other. They remembered getting together at the cabin and that they had created Faith. They had speculated that they would have still been together if Cassie hadn't died.

Faith said that she knew the next part, that Adam had kidnapped her and given her to Ashley. Nick said that they had eventually gotten Faith back, and Sharon said that it had been just as "Cassie predicted."

Nick remembered saying goodbye to Cassie before she died. Cassie had said, "You'll have another little girl someday."

Faith said that even after all they had been though, Nick and Sharon had wanted to get married again. Mariah chimed in and said that she would never forget their "almost-wedding." Mariah remembered Sharon punching Nick at the ceremony.

Mariah and Tessa received text messages from the babysitter, and they said their goodbyes. Faith said that she was glad her parents had shared their stories with her. Nick told Faith that life was "messy," but family could always bring one "back to center." Nick suggested that Moses might realize someday that Faith was his "center," and Faith asked Nick if Sharon was Nick's.

Nick said that "after all the heartache," he and Sharon still had a lot of love for each other. Faith hugged her parents.

Nick went to the main house, and he yelled out for Nikki and Victor, but they weren't there. Nick looked at a picture of Victoria and thought back to special times with her. Nick looked at a picture of the whole family, and he remembered encouraging Nikki when she had been struggling with something. Nick flashed back to boxing with Victor and the way Victor had tried to motivate him.

Nick was reminiscing about old times with his parents as Nikki and Victor walked in. Nick told his parents how much he loved "being [their] son." Nick said that he had been telling Faith about special memories when it had occurred to him that he had grown as a person because of "the lessons" Nikki and Victor had taught him. Victor and Nikki were both touched, and Victor said that they "couldn't have asked for a better son."

On the next The Young and the Restless...


• Lily has a plan to stop the infighting at Chancellor-Winters

• Mamie wants to hear Lily's plan

• Kyle tells Victor that he is thinking about making a change



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